queen bee

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queen bee

  1. Apoidea, mesipistiäiset, yläheimo Apoidea, mehiläiskuningatar, kuningatar.

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mehiläiskuningatar A reproductive female (especially the only one) in a colony of bees.
1947, AI Root, The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, Kessinger 2005, p. 205:

It is generally believed that the queen bee mates only once in her lifetime.
puhekieltä The most important or dominant woman in an organisation or situation.
2003, Jim Hatfield, Extra Marital Temptations, iUniverse 2003, p. 28:
She muttered to her mother, “There's that obnoxious redhead who thought she was the Queen Bee last year when she was a senior!”


  • "God save the Queen! (Jumala vapahda kuningatarta!)"

  • "Dianne, vie äiti turvaan. David, w:Queen|Queen helvettiin."


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bebee, frisbee

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